Tuesday, March 10, 2009


What happened to spring? I thought we
were on our way to green grass, flowers,
blue skies and warmer weather. But on
March 9th we got 30 inch's of snow! I had used
the snow blower twice that day, and by 3:oo pm
you couldn't even tell. So Wade went and got
Jay's tractor and plowed us out. It feels like
January instead of March. Please snow just melt!

This is Wades truck

I stuck Libby in the snow, she couldn't even move.
Look at the snow on the bird house behind her.

Wade and Tate on the tractor. Tate loved it.

Wade snow blowing off the deck.

1 comment:

  1. I was wanting spring and camping , now this. That stinkin groundhog. Cute new header pic, who took those.
